
Wie geht man mit Sexuelle Dysfunktion um?

A sexual mishap occurs . But how to deal with this delicate situation? The inability to obtain a valid or lasting erection can, in fact, cause discomfort in the partner, who often does not know how to react. So what should be done and what should not be done? Advice from a doctor and a sexologist.

Souvent, en cas de problèmes d’érection, les amants, qui se désirent pourtant, se retournent l’un contre l’autre, ce qui provoque une froideur et un gel de la sexual relation . Mais cela est arrivé, arrive or arrivera à tout le monde, men and women confondus. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de quoi avoir honte, this rupture peut, dans l’immédiat et même après, this source of malaise, voire d’inquiétude. D’où peut-elle venir et que faire alors ? Nous vous disons tout pour que this impuissance ponctuelle n’altere pas la relation et que votre érection s’améliore.

What exactly is a sexual mishap (male and female)?

The mechanism is the same in both cases: insufficient blood flow, in her case in the vagina, in his case in the penis.

“I agree with Dr. Mimoun agrees, but it is true that we tend to use this term in men because in women the unusual or sudden cessation of lubrication is much less obvious than the absence or interruption of erection,” explains Margaux Terrou, clinical sexologist.

Why do I have mishaps in bed? What are the causes?

“In most cases it’s the stress. When the mind is focused on worries or fears, it cannot make itself available for the ‘trifle’. The pressure to perform can also lead to sexual breakdown in men, as it can in some women, especially during menopause, when they find that they are no longer lubricating as quickly as they used to, which can worry them and completely slow them down. Sometimes there are other causes, such as diabetes or certain treatments, e.g. B. with blood pressure lowering drugs or antidepressants,” explains Dr. Mimoun.

Stress remains the most important factor for impotence
“Apart from medical reasons, stress remains the number 1 factor. It promotes the release of cortisol. This hormone works by constricting blood vessels, preventing erection or lubrication. In any case, it’s important not to conflate breakdown and craving: you can actually have a breakdown even though the craving is there and not have a breakdown when the craving goes away,” reports Margaux Terrou.

Can sexual dysfunction occur at any age?

“In addition, certain events sometimes lead to mishaps, for example a birth that is unfortunate for the woman. In men, the milestone of tens, forties, fifties… can also disrupt the erection of those who see their youth slipping away during these phases,” adds the doctor.

“Yes, stress is the leading cause of sexual dysfunction in men and women, regardless of their age. However, it is true that beyond the age of 50, physiological changes, such as aging of the erectile tissue in men and menopause in women, sometimes characterized by vaginal dryness, can increase the risk,” answers Margaux Terrou for her part.

How to react to a sexual breakdown?

“If it is theoretically preferable to talk about it, it is not so simple in practice, because any word addressed to the person who has had the breakdown, and who then feels fragile, can be resented. Even saying: ‘it’s not serious’, ‘it will come back’ or, even worse, insinuating that he or she no longer wants us, can accentuate their discomfort, add to the pressure and even create a conflict,” advises Dr. Mimoun.

Erectile dysfunction: what treatment options are there?

“Medicinal treatment is only an option if the breakdowns repeat themselves . “Viagra seems to me to be more suitable because it enables an erection within the next hour, which is what men want in connection with sexual disorders, while Cialis works more slowly but lasts longer,” explains Dr. Mimoun.

“It is important to know that Viagra also promotes lubrication in women by increasing blood flow to the genitals, but it is then prescribed without authorization. “Sometimes I recommend Libicare, an herbal supplement that improves lubrication by increasing arousal in 60% of cases and when desire is present.”


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